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Thrivent Action Teams & Choice Dollars

Together, Habitat for Humanity and Thrivent partner with families around the world in need of decent, safe and affordable housing. For nearly two decades, our mission has been to make a powerful impact in the lives of families and communities by helping where it’s needed most.

Put your generosity into action in meaningful, new ways through the Thrivent and Habitat for Humanity partnership. As a volunteer, you’ll discover how helping to build safe and affordable housing in partnership with families can have long-lasting and life-changing benefits.


Since 2005 Habitat and Thrivent have been building home and delivering better futures.

  • $276 million dollars have been donated through Thrivent programs to Habitat since the partnership began
  • 24,981individuals served to date with safe and affordable homes built or renovated
  • 6.3 million hours of time and talent donated by more than 825,000 Thrivent clients and other volunteers

How can Thrivent members support Habitat for Humanity?

Help Habitat by leading a Thrivent Action Team

Thrivent Action Teams are a great way to support Habitat while making a positive impact in your community. Simply gather a team of neighbors or friends for a fundraiser, educational event, or service activity.

  • Submit your application by logging in through your Thrivent account
  • Get customized resources to help make your project successful
  • Gather your team and bring your community project to life.
Donate directly to Habitat through Thrivent Choice

Thrivent clients with membership can contribute directly or direct their Thrivent Choice Dollars to Habitat through the Thrivent Choice program.

  • Direct any available Choice Dollars to Midland County Habitat for Humanity
  • Make sure to select the local office, Midland County Habitat for Humanity to ensure the funds stay local

Contact us to discuss ideas for Action Teams

Amanda King, Impact Manager  or 989-496-0900

Midland County Habitat for Humanity