Since 1988, Midland County Habitat for Humanity has been building strength, stability, and independence through affordable housing.

Currently, 1 in 8 Michigan households are spending half or more of their income on housing each month. Michigan’s minimum wage is $9.65/hr, yet $18.55/hr is what’s needed to afford fair market rent for a two-bedroom apartment. The median income for renters is $33,600, yet $46,834 is what’s needed to purchase a median-value home. Being able to own a home continues to get further out of reach for many. This leads many families in our community to continue to rent homes, rather than purchase them. Studies have proven that Homeowners are more likely to occupy homes with fewer repair needs than renter households, and housing problems are more acute for low-income households.
Habitat builds new homes sustainably, using green building techniques and materials that increase the efficiency and durability of the home and use less resources. Many homes are Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED, and Energy Star certified. Habitat’s energy-efficient designs generate financial savings for homeowners by lowering utility costs, which are typically the second greatest monthly expense after mortgage payments. Accessible and affordable energy-efficient homes are transformative for low to moderate income families who too often must choose between paying this month’s energy bill or paying for food or medicine. More energy-efficient housing translates into real savings for families and would result in healthier, more decent places to live. Low-income families in the U.S. spend anywhere from 17 percent to 50 percent of their incomes on household energy, whereas others spend an average of 4 percent. Midland County Habitat for Humanity builds durable, healthy and sustainable houses at the lowest possible cost. With partnerships with DuPont and Whirlpool, Midland County Habitat is able to build ENERGY STAR rated homes.

Midland County Habitat for Humanity provides decent, affordable homes for low-income families living in substandard housing conditions. Future homeowners work alongside Habitat staff and volunteers to build their future home and in-turn purchase the home from MCHFH. Homeowners are provided with an affordable mortgage. Homes are built using volunteer labor and some donated materials.
MCHFH earns no profit from the sale of the home. Because of this, future homeowners will obtain long term, affordable mortgages. This is not a rental program. Habitat homeowners repay the cost of the house. This money is then used to build more houses in Midland County. We require a $500 down payment and future homeowners will need to provide funds to pay for their first year of homeowner’s insurance. As an added benefit, we also use partners that will provide future homeowners with homeowner education and financial literacy classes to ensure they are prepared for the unique challenges of homeownership.
- Affordable mortgages
- Low monthly payments
- Energy efficient homes with low utility bills
- Attractive, well-constructed homes
- Brand new Whirlpool Appliances
- Stability
- Higher educational performance and better behavior in children
- Better household health
- Individual responsibility as a homeowner
- Accessible homes based on family’s needs
- Sense of accomplishment by helping to build your own home
Selections are made in compliance with the Federal Credit Equal Opportunity Act and on an impartial and non-discriminatory basis. Midland County Habitat for Humanity does not discriminate based on race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, familial status, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, veteran status, sexual orientation, AIDS, AIDS-Related Condition (ARC), mental disability or any other arbitrary basis. The family selection process is fair and unbiased.

There are three basic criteria to qualify for a Habitat home:
This is defined as currently living in housing that is unsafe, unhealthy, overpriced, overcrowded or inadequate for some other reason. Partner Families have a demonstrated need for affordable housing. Need is based by the applicants’ current housing. Questions we may ask about your current housing include:
- Is the current housing substandard or unsafe, in need of excessive repairs?
- Is the current housing overcrowded?
- Is your current rent too high for your income?
- Do you or a family member have accessibility issues at your current residence?
Habitat homes are NOT given away for free. Each Habitat home is purchased by the future habitat homeowner through an affordable mortgage from Midland County Habitat for Humanity and are expected to make regular monthly mortgage payments. Mortgage payments also include taxes and insurance. Applicants must earn income
Ability To Pay
Applicants must be able to pay an affordable mortgage. Midland County Habitat for Humanity offeres opportunity for homeownership to families whose income it 30% - 60% (in some instances 80%) of the area median income (AMI). ----> To view Midland AMI guideline click here.
Willingness to Partner
Families and individuals must be able to show they are willing to partner with Habitat by contributing sweat equity hours on the construction of their home and the homes of other families; willing to continue to partner with Habitat after their home is finished through on-time mortgage payments, volunteerism, and home upkeep. In addition, the homebuyers must also be willing to attend home buyer education classes and work with the Homeowner Services Manger to provide qualifying paperwork and information.
Additionally, applicants must be a legal U.S. Resident and a resident of Midland County for one year prior to application.
Applicant creditworthiness
- Applicant must have a manageable debt to income ratio
- Applicant must be two years past discharge of bankruptcy or foreclosure
- Applicant credit report must be free of any judgments or liens
- Applicant must have twelve months (one year) of rental history
- Proof of stable income and meet the guidelines of 30% - 80% of the area median income, depending on family size.
Are you willing to partner with Midland County Habitat for Humanity?
Future homeowners will be active participants in the construction or rehabilitation of their home. To qualify, your family must be willing to complete a minimum of 250 hours of “sweat equity”. This includes working on your home, the homes of other Habitat families and other approved types of community service.
Application Process
Currently applications are not being accepted.
If you are interested in learning about homeownership with Midland County Habitat for Humanity contact the Homeowner Services Manager, Katty Owens, at 989-496-0900 or
You can also stop by the ReStore during normal business hours to pick up an inquiry form.
If you are ready to start financial coaching, complete the registration form. You do not need to be ready for housing to start financial coaching.